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Mekanisme Transfer Otomatis antar Proses Press Mekanik

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Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Resistance Welding Principles

Most welding applies heat to join two pieces of metal. Gas welding produces molten metal through the use of a gas flame. When the molten metal cools, the pieces are joined. Arc welding uses an electric arc between the electrode and the work to melt the metal.

Resistance welding joins two pieces of sheet metal without adding anything. When an electrical current is applied to the work pieces, for a predetermined time a nugget of molten metal is created between the two pieces. 

                          The electrical current is transmitted through   two electrodes and two copper
                                               alloy electrodes then create the nugget of molten metal

 The nugget is created at the point where the two pieces interface because this is the point of maximum heat generation. The heat producing the melting process is caused by the metals’ electrical resistance to the current flow.

Resistance welding equipment consists of :
1. A welding transformer to convert high primary voltage and low primary amperage to low secondary voltage and high secondary amperage needed for welding.
2. The electrodes for passing the current through the work pieces.
3. The conductors which connect these electrodes to the welding transformer.
4. A device for exerting electrode force on the work.
5. A method of regulating the electrical current.
6. A contactor to interrupt the power to the welder transformer.
7. A timer which is capable of controlling the action of the contactor within the limits of accuracy required to produce the desired weld characteristics.
8. A method of cooling the electrodes with water

 schematic drawing of these components:

The majority of resistance welding machines operate on single phase, with frequency 50 or 60 Hz (cyles persecond),incorporate with a single phase welding transformer to convert the high power line voltage to a low secondary voltage, normally in the range of 1.0 to 25.0 volts.
Depending on the thickness and type of material to be welded, on secondary of trafo,  current may be from 1,000 to as muchas 100,000 amperes or more.

Some resistance welders are designed to operate on a 3-Phase, and will rectify the current from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). A 3-Phase DC resistance welder is electrically more
efficient than a single phase AC resistance welder,  because it usually produces more welding amperageper KVA and requires less demand on the primary electrical service.

Most equipment is rated at a certain KVA (such as 30 KVA). The KVA (kilo-volt-amp) rating is a measure of theamount of power the equipment can handle without excessive internal heating. The duty cycle of a transformer is defined as the percentage of time on in each one minute period the transformer is actually carrying current. It is expressed in this formula:

                                WELD TIME x # WELDS PER MINUTE
% DUTY CYCLE = ------------------------------------------------------ x 100

In most resistance welding applications, actual duty cycle is much less than the 50% duty cycle used Most equipment is rated at a certain KVA (such as 30 KVA). The KVA (kilo-volt-amp) rating is a measure of theamount of power the equipment can handle without excessive internal heating. In most cases, the welding transformer is the limiting factor in the equipment and determines the KVA rating. It is standard practice to rate a welding transformer at a 50% duty cycle. The duty cycle of a transformer is defined as the percentage of time onin each one minute period the transformer is actually carrying current. formula:

                                 WELD TIME x # WELDS PER MINUTE
% DUTY CYCLE = ------------------------------------------------------ x 100

In most resistance welding applications, actual duty cycle is much less than the 50% duty cycle used for rating the machine. Transformers made by different manufacturers, but with the same KVA rating, may produce widely different amounts of welding current. It is important to compare not only KVA rating, but welding current when comparing resistance welding machines



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